IDER iBrand Story: The Somemore people once compared themselves to the unicorns of the healing system, developed a contribution to the Chinese local brands, and witnessed the changes of the national brands. At the same time, the Somemore repeatedly participated in contemporary art and experienced baths. The experience of the fire, 13 years of stop meditation, this moment, we should be the driver of the future creative world, for the Chinese local brands to customize the Chinese culture and international vision of the whole case strategy, for the Chinese local brand ip design to help voice. The nation is the world, the three inks can not withstand such a sense of mission, and firmly believe that the national brand will also be the world brand. The “leading innovation” of the brand's deep planning will be the starting point for the Somemore people to explore the brand and plan a new world.


Company History / 2005-2009: Brand album production and design, brand vi design and design. 2009-2011: brand album shooting and design, brand vi design, brand si design, clothing brand planning and design. 2011--2015: The whole case planning and design of clothing brand, the brand's national chain commercial body customization and design landing, cross-industry national brand full case planning and design. 2015-2018: In-depth planning and design of national brand cases, small-scale complex and local brand ip design, international upgrade of company structure. From 2018 to the future: based on the perspective of the Chinese culture, we will carry out ip design research on small-scale complex and national brands, and combine modern technology and multimedia means to introduce a full-scale in-depth plan from the media, sound, light and electricity. Strategy.

公司历程 / 2005-2009年:品牌画册拍摄与设计制作,品牌vi设计与设计制作。2009-2011年:品牌画册拍摄与设计制作,品牌vi设计,品牌si设计,服装品牌全案企划与设计。2011-2015年:服装品牌全案企划与设计,品牌全国连锁商业体定制与设计落地,跨行业民族品牌全案企划与设计。2015年:关注并涉足当代艺术,在杭州主办两次当代艺术展:《浴火》,《逸气旁出》,并不断尝试将当代艺术应用于实体品牌。2015-2018年:民族品牌全案深度企划与设计,小型综合体与本土品牌ip设计,公司架构国际化升级。2018-2021年:成功运用 IP 设计理念植入产业园、商业综合体、文旅、城市名片打造等多个项目,丰富的原创 IP内容为项目带来前所未有的商业价值。2021至未来:致力于IP原创设计和国内超级IP授权与应用服务,为企业量身定制原创IP形象和全面的IP内容输出,结合当代科技与多媒体手段,导入自媒体、声、光、电实现全方位的品牌IP深度全案策划;授权包括国内外知名IP形象和文化、艺术IP,动漫授权代理等内容,帮助企业借力成长!


Somemore  also pay attention to their own cultural brand building and construction, pay attention to the inheritance and development of the enterprise culture, the company magazine "SOMEMORE/ Zimo Zhi" has already published 3 period. Over the years, the three ink is committed to the full range of fashion brand marketing, the design concept and marketing communication, to solve the problem of enterprise development, to create value and profit maximization for customers.


  • 兼容并蓄 
  • 经典再生
  • 时代先锋

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版权所有:SOMEMORE设计院 浙ICP备17003395号 技术支持:本凡科技